Queens on horsebackQueens on horseback

What to do with all of that leftover prosciutto and sage? How about wrapping up big dayboat scallops from FreshDirect (currently and fleetingly $11.99 a pound) and serving them with wild mushroom risotto? It seemed appropriate enough, given Italy’s winning the world cup.

I realize now that this is kind of like Angels on Horseback, which are oysters wrapped in bacon. Nathan remarked the sage was a bit strong on the scallops. I hadn’t realized it, but he was right. This combo works better on chicken than seafood, although it was still good to eat.

Googling, I can find a few recipes very similar to this one. Most of them, however, ask you to do stupid things like stick toothpicks through the scallops or precook them or make some heavy sauce to drizzle on them. Anything but wrapping and sautéing is completely unnecessary. Let simple preparations be!

No recipe at all is needed; just be careful not to overcook. Wrap your scallops and sauté them in butter for about two minutes on each side over medium heat. Serve them with whatever you like.


I haven’t eaten dinner yet and scallops are one of my favorites. I just doubt I’d be able to find any that look as perfect as yours in the stores right now!

Your dish looks so delicious!

Thanks, Jennifer, and thanks for visiting Eat! Beautiful scallops can be hard to find if you want to spend less than $25 a pound.

You have a good-looking weblog that I look forward to reading, by the way.

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