
If by agile you mean slower

The right tool for the slob

init.d is exactly like the grinch

A bridge too far

Apple is making a Web toolkit for Ruby

Tales from the desktop Java crypt

Marking down your territory

How to: serve a Java webapp

Don't let PermGen ruin your weekend

Graphical interfaces are best described by resources

Springtime for Databinder

Apache warriors storm camp, take 'wicket'

If you can't beat 'em

Neal Gafter will save Java or break his keyboard trying

Ruby markup-generation wars

Getting fired for buying IBM

All about WebObjects

Escaping logic

Scripting: a very good sheet with a hole in it

Web deprogramming

Databinder gets personal (Authentication!)

Stateless programming headed for retirement

Databinder: chipping away at un-usability

Mac does Java... again

Incoming message from planet insane

Applets: back from the grave?

Java vs. Ruby on Rails: a deathmatch?

Tier'd out

Why I like like Wicket

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