Muji for cooksMuji for cooks

Readers in the New York area probably already know that Muji is open, and it’s packed (Racked has been on the case all day, of course). I stopped in at about 11:30, since I could see from my window that it opened earlier than expected. It was mobbed, and I wasn’t about to wait in line to buy something just to get the free tote bag. But I sized up the kitchen section and went back to the office to plan my next move, which I made at 5:30.


Tons of cute things for cooks, from stainless steel utensils and cookware (such as the baking dish you see above, in my oven at the moment) to glass storage containers and measuring cups (also seen above). Those hooks are magnetic, but you can also get them with an adhesive back or with pins to stick in the wall. I love that you have all three options. Even at a place like the Container Store or Home Depot, it feels like you’re always finding almost just what you want, but something isn’t quite right about it. At Muji, if you’ve found an item that’s slightly wrong, what you’re looking for is probably right next to it or right under it.

Between Daffy’s, Muji, and CB2, the block just outside my office has become the most enticing in the city for a cheap bastard like myself.


For a “cheap bastard” you always excel at shopping. I think calling yourself a CB is wrong. I think you are an incredibly smart shopper. Everything you show us is of good quality and will probably last you decades. Good work!

It is probably a good thing I don’t live on your block, or I’d be enticed out of my last dime. But I kinda wish I did anyway.

I am way cheaper than you. I stopped in at the Williams Sonoma outlet, yes, OUTLET, where everything in the entire store was at least an additional %30 off, and I still bought nothing. I’m still suffering from remorse.

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