Mom puts kitchen back togetherMom puts kitchen back together

I promise to write and post photos on the new kitchen soon, but in the meanwhile I thought it might amuse folks to hear that while putting food back on my shelves I discovered that I had enough chocolate chips of various types to fill a plastic container the size of a shoebox (the opened bags) and two 1-gallon food storage bags (chips that I kept buying and not using). I guess I should do some baking…


Rebecca, You are a hoot. I look forward to hearing about all the inventive ways you think up to use all those chips! Of course the Pittsburgh New Church School, as you know, frequently begs for cookies for this or that event. Maybe you could just make a year’s supply and freeze them. :-)

Can’t wait to see the kitchen! And yes … you should do some baking and then send me some!

So it IS possible to have too many chocolate chips on hand? I wasn’t sure.

I mean, if an emergency should arise that requires the baking of chocolate chip cookies, it’s good to be prepared.

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