#import "NSString+CarbonFSSpecCreation.h"

@implementation NSString (CarbonFSSpecCreation)

- (BOOL) getFSRef:(FSRef*)fsRef createFileIfNecessary:(BOOL)createFile
    NSFileManager* fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
    CFURLRef urlRef;
    Boolean gotFSRef;

// Check whether the file exists already. If not, create an empty file if requested.
    if (![fileManager fileExistsAtPath:self]) {
        if (createFile) {
            if (![@"" writeToFile:self atomically:YES]) {
                return NO;
        } else {
            return NO;

// Create a CFURL with the specified POSIX path.
    urlRef = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                            (CFStringRef) self,
/* isDirectory */
    if (urlRef == NULL) {
// printf( "** Couldn't make a CFURLRef for the file.\n" );
        return NO;

// Try to create an FSRef from the URL. (If the specified file doesn't exist, this
// function will return false, but if we've reached this code we've already insured
// that the file exists.)
    gotFSRef = CFURLGetFSRef( urlRef, fsRef );
    CFRelease( urlRef );

    if (!gotFSRef) {
// printf( "** Couldn't get an FSRef for the file.\n" );
        return NO;

    return YES;

- (BOOL) getFSSpec:(FSSpec*)fsSpec createFileIfNecessary:(BOOL)createFile
    FSRef fsRef;

    if (![self getFSRef:&fsRef createFileIfNecessary:createFile])
        return NO;

    if (FSGetCatalogInfo( &fsRef,
                          NULL ) != noErr) {
// printf( "** Couldn't get an FSSpec for the file.\n" );
        return NO;

    return YES;
