On gay sheepOn gay sheep

PETA and a bunch of homo bloggers are upset because Charles Roselli is researching homosexual behavior in sheep. After insisting for so long that being gay is biological, people are objecting to scientific research that might validate their own claims.

Somehow they didn’t realize that making a scientific question a political issue would encourage scientists to try to answer it. A market was created for the answer, and so it is researched. Good work fellow gays, we’re well on our way to attempted eugenic extermination and we have nothing to blame but our own crude politics.

As is often the case, the best part of the paper’s coverage is in the last two paragraphs:

If the mechanisms underlying sexual orientation can be discovered and manipulated, Dr. Wolpe continued, then the argument that sexual orientation is based in biology and is immutable “evaporates.”

I hope that is a misleading quote, otherwise this “Dr.” needs to have his credentials reevaluated. Understanding and influencing a predisposition to homosexual behavior would establish that behavior’s basis in biology, which is the only assertion that has been made.

No one argues that any part of our biology is “immutable,” not in our creepy, gene-altering future. But this research demonstrates the folly of biological excuse-making: it corrects the excused fault. If the excuse then “evaporates” (science!), the heat driving that process is our flushed embarrassment for the Pyrrhic victory we will have won.

The prospect of parents’ eventually being able to choose not to have children who would become gay is a real concern for the future, Dr. Wolpe said. But he added, “This concern is best addressed by trying to change public perceptions of homosexuality rather than stop basic science on sexuality.”

Agreed on this point, sadly. There is no way to stop this perfectly legitimate science now that everyone has made such an issue of biological determination of gayness. Without a doubt we will someday have parents minimizing the risk that their children are gay, have ADD, score poorly on standardized tests, or become liberals. They’ll surely snuff out a couple creativity genes while they’re in there mucking around, and their kids will be boring douchebags.

But other parents will avoid such monstrous manipulations, or stick only to those tied to early debilitating disease. Their children will be the ones that continue to innovate and advance human progress.

Not to worry: the bathhouses of the twenty second century will be well stocked, despite all efforts to the contrary.


Doc -

Everyone knows that you gays choose it. I mean clearly, your life is SOOOOO much easier than us straights.

I think decorating is easier. Other than that… probably not.

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