Apple: No more things, pleaseApple: No more things, please

I encourage everyone to make a solemn vow not to purchase Apple’s new thing-a-ma-bob on October 12th. It is proven folly to buy Apple products at their introduction.

Whether it’s an iMac G5 that’s bound to overheat or a nano whose screen just might explode, Apple habitually releases products before they’ve worked out the quirks. This would be fine if they would just admit it and replace defective products, but they do no such thing, leaving you in a heap a trouble.

A good rule of thumb is to wait two months after the product is available; problems will have started to surface by then and you can decide if it’s a safe buy. Of course, when a sexy new Apple product is announced, it’s near-impossible to resist the temptation to order one immediately. It is for that reason that I encourage everyone to sign a do not purchase vow before the announcement.

Let’s just hope that works better than those famous virginity pleges.


are you using the term thinga-ma-bob because you don’t know what it is yet or are you using it because that’s what its called? and i agree. my dad taught me as a young mac user that i should never get anything from them until it at least went to version .1 (this is referencing software, but same applies to hardware)

No one knows what the new product is yet. (Yawn.)

You dad’s right about .0 software, too. But I’ve been backing up the iMac every day since “the incident,” so bring it on Apple.

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