Then again maybe generic components are teh bombThen again maybe generic components are teh bomb

Eelco, whose wisdom I invoked last week in my anti-generic component screed, today posts that he’s made a new date and time component:

The [wicket-datetime] project also provides a new calendar/ date picker component, this time based on the Yahoo User Interface library (YUI) calendar widget. The DatePicker we had before was badly written (sorry for that, I hope I did a better job at this one) as it focussed too much on being ‘easily’ configurable.

No need to apologize! The old DatePicker has picked a lot of dates for my users, despite its quirks.

Finally, two more components that the wicket-datetime project provides at this stage are DateField and DateTimeField. The latter is a nice combination of a date text field, date picker, a field for hours and a field for minutes and a AM/PM selection.

I’ve made tons of these and never really been satisfied with any of them for all purposes. Sometimes you want quarter hours only, sometimes you want a 24 hour clock… but then most of the time you want exactly what Eelco has made here so I’m sure it will be handy.

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