Oh, um, about that 1.0Oh, um, about that 1.0

It’s out.

To celebrate the release, I redesigned databinder.net according to age-old principles of typography, or tried to. It’s pretty hot.

And I put Databinder 101 on the site, which you’ll notice is itself generated by Databinder. Eventually that app will be serving the entire site.

I guess I’ll announce 1.0 on the Wicket listserv tomorrow, though it hasn’t exactly been a Hibernate love-fest over there lately. With all the criticism that Hibernate, Wicket, and Maven sometimes get, you might think that Databinder is a glutton for punishment.




Sorry if this was already answered: have you experimented with the Databinder’s approach and a different JPA provider, like TopLink?

My first to do is long transactions, but other persistence technologies are right behind that. For JPA providers at least it shouldn’t be that hard.

Congratulations! I look forward to dig into 1.0 as soon as my daytime work calmes down. Release party, when/where? :-)

Noticed that the 1.0 release doesn’t include a prebuilt .jar . Is that intentional? I love .jars ;)

Per, thanks. No party this time, already started on 1.1!

Rob, it’s in there now.

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