Databinder coming this week, probablyDatabinder coming this week, probably

The project I sheepishly mentioned in my last post is Databinder, “a simple bridge from Wicket to Hibernate,” and I’m happy to say I think I can release version .1 of it this week.

I’ve spent about as much time on its documentation, packaging, Web site, and example application as I have on the library itself, but since Databinder is a library for Wicket beginners that’s probably appropriate. (Heaven knows Wicket itself needs more time time spent in those areas.)

There’s a password on its Web site, I’ll drop a note here when it’s really open.

Project plan

  1. Release version .1 with Maven 2
  2. Sheepishly annouce project on Wicket listserve
  3. Make appropriate suggested changes for release .2
  4. Code a simpler example than Phone directory
  5. Record how easy it is to code that example from scratch
  6. ?


The site is open, but the Databinder libraries haven’t been uploaded to ibiblio yet.

Update 2

Okay, we’re on ibiblio. Knock yourselves out!

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