Take me off your list, please!Take me off your list, please!

Remember the halcyon days of the Obama campaign, being pleased to receive an e-mail update? For once, buying something (donating to the campaign) and being automatically signed up for an e-mail newsletter did not seem like an electronic atrocity.


Yes: those were the days! But lately the meaningless campaign non-issue-mails and the pleas for ever more cash have begun to grate. And with today’s vote, well, damn. Way to make fools of your strongest supporters, dude. And to Hillary Clinton: well played, lady! Oh, how her nay vote is so very back-stabbing and cunning. Probably? Or maybe Clinton listened to the deluge of e-mail from this and other of her New York constituents. It doesn’t matter—Barack walked into this trap and it was stupid.

Those of us that are less than pleased with this latest evolution of our campaign can’t get our money back, but we can at least unsubscribe. En masse, this week, to register our disgust. I’m asking you to suspend belief, until such time as it is again deserved.

And don’t forget to leave a message.

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