Name callingName calling

Consider the following banned from intelligent (political) conversation:

  • wingnut
  • moonbat
  • dingbat
  • netnut
  • wingbat

First you must accept that none of these are, under any circumstances, clever. Not even “wingnut.” Especially not “wingnut,” which probably started this whole idiotic trend. Sure, it’s great that there’s a piece of hardware whose name you can decompose into a reference to the AssemblĂ©e nationale and, like, an insane person. That’s so funny!

But I’m sick and tired of reading otherwise intelligent political commentary and thinking, “right on, maaaan,” and then the poster starts talking about what the loonies, etc, on the other side are doing.

These schoolhouse jeers can easily be applied in any political direction. How do the left/right bloggers keep it straight? What happens if Rush Limbaugh calls someone a “wingnut?” Do his listeners’ SUVs explode?

Like, grow up, people.

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