Myspace is for losersMyspace is for losers

Hosting fun images like this can of beer, naturally attracts youthful Google image searchers. Some of these thirsty hellions are rude (or ignorant) enough to point to the images directly from their own w3b s1t3z.

Thanks to server logs you can see when this happens. Some people call it “stealing bandwidth”—I don’t take it that seriously. There are technical solutions you can apply if it starts to drain your resources. Or, you can swap out the image with something that’s insulting to the person who borrowed it without asking. I’m a mean old nerd, so I chose the latter.

This profile is the culprit. I wouldn’t recommend clicking there, unless you want to bog down your computer with a web page so obnoxiously bad it has a soundtrack. My beer image is placed oddly and I’m sure most people don’t even see it, though it’s loaded from our servers regardless. [Update: evil plan worked, the image is gone.]

Reading through the profile of “babeenohoe” as much as I could tolerate, I discovered a philosopher of incredible insight, and astoundingly bad grammar. I thought that if only her words were tidied up a bit, the power of her ideas would would resonate with humanity and spread around the globe. In that spirit, I have done my best to clean up this mess:

I am honestly sick of all the drama that goes on. Seriously. It’s like we’re on a god damn soap opera. I have caused a lot of drama in the past but it’s getting really old. [So, you stopped? Pls advise.] Let people be whoever whomever they want to be, let them listen to the music they like and dress however they want. Everyone is there her own person and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you otherwise, and if someone doesn’t others don’t like it then they should keep it to themselves. Why make someone feel shittier just to make yourself feel better? [Are you talking to me? I’m trying to encourage proofreading, not excrement.] Put yourself in someone elses else’s place then actually think about it. People make mistakes and people fuck up, guess what.. It’s not the end of the world. So really, stop wasting your time worrying about what other people are doing with there lifes their lives. Make your own decisions and don’t critisize criticize anyone else for there’s theirs. Too bad if you don’t like it, get the fuck over it. Shit happens so don’t dwell on the past when you have the rest of your life ahead of you. You only live once so why bother ruining it? [You’re getting a little cliché here, ’nohoe.] Grow up, Stop being immature, Respect people, and Forget about everyone that’s ever treated you like shit. If they’re still doing it now, there they’re just not happy with themselves and they never will be.

On second thought, maybe I should have left “critisize”—perhaps it’s a neologism, a play on “size.” You never can tell with precocious, non-whoring philosophers.

Update: Oh, look. Another one. Cans of beer are just so cool! (You have to be Stevo’s fried to see the pic. If you are, sorry for you.)

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