Famous brands shall keep this iron bird aloftFamous brands shall keep this iron bird aloft

You probably thought it was air pressure differentials caused by Bernoulli’s principle that kept airplanes up. Silly you.

As the TSA depicts, it’s a baggie stuffed with pint-sized goodies from Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, and Evian. (Don’t worry, the eau de snob is bottled, marketed, and freed of terr’ism by Coca-Cola.)

The TSA is careful to coin the phrase “zip-top bags,” but we all know what registered trademark they really want us to pack with. What’s the message here? Go with brand name, overpriced, travel-sized products, or expect some stern glances and body cavity searches (possibly involving a replenishing spray of aerosol-borne mineral water) from your local baggage screamer.

Because imitation store brands help terrorist killers almost as much as search warrants.

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