Do not park here againDo not park here again

My block showed no mercy on this car whose useless alarm showed no mercy on us for several hours straight last night.

Ew. They wrote something on the hood too with a marker, but my camera batteries were dying. I’d gone out there to call the police, and I did though I’m not sure if they ever came. After I got back in bed the alarm started to go flat on some of its demonic “notes,” meaning it was close to running out batteries anyway.

Owner of Hyundai Elantr [sic] AGL-3548, you owe about three hundred people a good night’s sleep. But I suppose you’ve gotten the message already.


What are those things on either side of the paper? Perhaps it’s the painkillers, but I just can’t tell.


HAHAHAHA. That’s way funnier than what I thought. (twigs or sometype of flower which really didn’t make sense) And I know it’s not the point, because it is not about making the noise go away, it is about being a half-way decent human being with just an ounce of respect for others, but earplugs can really be quite miraculous. Might save you at least a few sleepless hours. You can still chuck eggs!

Me chuck eggs? Never. Well actually MrLittlePants and I did it once to a different offending car, and it was thrilling, but not worth the risk of our neighbors seeing us and thinking we were seventeen year-olds in disguise as a grown-up gay couple.

Now I just dial 911 if it’s going off for more than fifteen minutes. Not really my style to declare an emergency, but that’s what they tell you to do.

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